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Businesses and individuals alike depend on contracts for conducting business smoothly. When one party fails to uphold their part of the contract, things can get messy.

This is when an experienced contract disputes lawyer in Alexandria VA can help.

What Creates a Contract Dispute?

Contracts set out requirements for each party to fulfill. Simply put, a breach in contract arises when one party fails to meet those obligations.

This breach may be a result of not meeting a deadline, not performing the obligations to a certain standard, or not meeting the obligations in any capacity. Furthermore, the breach usually is categorized as immaterial or material; material breaches typically warranting more compensation.

Who Can Sue for Breach of Contract?

Either party in a contract may sue to either recover damages or enforce the terms of the contract. While a contract disputes lawyer in Alexandria VA may choose to settle the case out of court, some go to trial.

Mediators can help settle contract disputes, and binding arbitration is sometimes used as well. These options depend on the nature of the breach.

Common Contract Disputes

Here are some of the common contracts that contract lawyers often litigate: 

Choosing a contracts dispute lawyer with experience with your particular type of contract is important. Likewise, experience with the jurisdiction is important as well. 

When working with contract disputes, we strive to prepare for each dispute as if it were going to court, rather than focus on settlement. This type of preparation generally produces better results whether the case goes to court or uses another avenue of resolution.

Contract Disputes Lawyer Alexandria VA

Please contact us to confidentially consult on a contract dispute matter by sending an email to or call (703) 468-8557.

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